Go on a Big 5 Game Drive in Serengeti National Park






I’ve done Big 5 Game Drives in Zambia and Botswana, and was hesitant to do another in Tanzania. However, this was a beautiful, unique experience — not only because of the wildebeest migration, but the overall sheer volume of game!

Start your Serengeti Safari with a sunrise breakfast. This is safe, reserved picnic area -- hosted by the Four Seasons Serengeti Lodge

Start your Serengeti Safari with a sunrise breakfast.

 This is safe, reserved picnic area -- hosted by the Four Seasons Serengeti Lodge

Breakfast of Champions!  Picnic perfect packed by the Four Seasons Serengeti

Take a Serengeti safari with the Four Seasons Serengeti Lodge | Photos and Tips for Serengeti National Park from the travel blog TRAVELBREAK

Our guides knew the park beyond the picnic area, and helped us locate a variety of animals. 

From vibrant birds…

A mother cheetah and her cubs in Serengeti National Park - with the Four Seasons Serengeti Lodge safari. | From the travel blog Travel-Break.net

… to the king of the jungle!

A mother cheetah and her cubs in Serengeti National Park – with the Four Seasons Serengeti Lodge safari.

Wild zebras in Serengeti National Park, Photo courtesy of Four Seasons Serengeti
(But we saw them too).

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